What information you need to apply

We want to understand how you would spend any grant funding and how does your project involve and grow a sustainable community?

You're ready to apply!

What would you like to apply for?

Your Organisation

All fields which are marked with a '*' are required

Your Project

Tell us about your project:

Your Project - What would you like to do?

Your Project - How does your project meet our funding priorities?

Your Project - How does your project involve our community?

Project costs

Please confirm which funding stream you are applying for (please tick):*

Terms & Conditions

Please tick to accept the below terms of the STADA Community Catalyst Fund

You have been authorised by the governing body of your organisation (the board or committee that runs your organisation) to submit this application and accept the Terms and Conditions on their behalf*
All the information you have provided in your application is accurate and complete; and you will notify us of any changes*
You understand that we will use any personal information you have provided for the purposes described under our Data Protection and Privacy notice.*
You agree to communicate any successful grant application using the provided brand guidelines*

Supporting Documents

Please upload any supporting documents here